It is What You Deserve

Mid-Valley Masonry Staining is a full-service masonry staining company, still small enough to deliver the excellent quality and service you deserve, but large enough to get the job done.

  • “We specialize in your needs” is truly our company’s mission and not just a slogan. We attentively listen to what you want, taking time with you on the phone and in your home or commercial building to help you make informed decisions for your peace of mind.
  • We pride ourselves on continuing education, utilizing the newest technology.
  • The quality of our work goes beyond industry standards. We love what we do, and we do what we love.

You Can Depend Upon Our Products

Our masonry stains consist of specially formulated mineral oxide pigments. These pigments are combined with a proprietary bonding agent to create a slurry which absorbs into the surface of the masonry structure and does not create a layer like paint, so it will never peel, flake or blister like paint. In addition, stains used by other stain companies cannot compare to the longevity of our stains.